Tuesday 27 October 2009

My First Flash Forét

So today I had my introduction to flash, granted, it was not smooth as silk, but still relatively enjoyable.

It all began with a simple request "Could you do some R & D on how to get flash to write XML to a database?", and so it began, perhaps the shortest day (Or so it felt, you know what they say, time flies and all that) i've experienced at this job, it was very programming-centric, which I love, i'm not too keen on the days that involve image editing and stuff, but programming is definitely my bag.

I have to say that coding the action script side of things is really cool, everyone I know hates it, stating it's slow, but all the scripts i've been working with are blistering fast, like, even calling an external PHP file took less than 0.5 seconds, which is hella quick, although it was all locally hosted, execution times could probably be 0.7 seconds on the server, which is still pretty hecking quick.

I don't know what my point is in this post really, other than to say, flash is darn neat, and it's fun to code, so give it a whirl sometime, even if you're not a programmer, you can still use the front-end functions to do the same stuff.

So, yay flash

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