Sunday 18 October 2009

Bad Movies and Remakes

I lumped these together because they seem to go hand in hand these days.

Why is it that most movies released these days are either, and I use the term ridiculously loosely here, horror movies, or remakes of old films.

Now, I use the word horror very loosely, as most films labelled as it these days are simply gore-fests (see SAW or Hostel or in fact any movie made within the last few years) or so pathetic they could barely be called a movie (See... I forget the game, but nothing happens until the final 5 minutes of this TERRIBLE film).

The only ones that seem to have any creativity anymore are the childrens film makers, such as pixar.

The other annoying trend is remakes of old films, here is a tip movie companies, A FILM THAT WAS TERRIBLE 20 YEARS AGO WILL STILL BE THE SAME TODAY. Even if a film was good, as a friend was saying the other day, nostalgia is often better than the actual article, as in, a film that WAS good 20 years ago, can be ruined by the re-imagining.

Good films these days are few and far betwixt, so, if any film makers ever see this, I implore you, please get some creativity, and stop pumping out remakes, gore-fests or sequels, since as we all know, only one film was consistently good after being rung out for sequels, and that was Back to the Future.

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