Sunday 27 December 2009

The iPhone aint all that...

I've seen more and more people recently saying "I want an iPhone!" and it's getting a little silly...

Basically, as a smartphone, the iPhone isn't that hot, let me explain some. For one, it can't run concurrent apps, so say you're listening to the music player, but you always want to browse the internet, you have to quit your music app to browse, or check e-mails, or read sms'ses etc. This counts for any application you're running on it.

The on screen keyboard, while very intuitive, is also very slow when you want to put symbols in, you have to press a button to show the symbols, and then press it again to show alpha-numeracy.

The price options are terrible, in order to get the phone with all the features, you have to spend tonnes of money, around £100 for the phone if you get the medium level contract, which is still £30 odd a month for a small amount of texts and minutes.

Finally, and probably the final nail in the coffin is the app store, loaded with shovelware that has brought down the price of the good apps so that the developers barely get anything anymore, plus their review system is making developers flee the platform for other, more open ones such as WebOS or Android, where apps go up until they're flagged, at which point they're moderated.

I could say more but my brain no worky...

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