Tuesday 22 December 2009

Gods cannot be proven, neither can hells fire...

Another religious post here i'm afraid, but no questions this time.

Recently I got asked to prove the non-existance of a god, I was left with this answer. It is impossible to prove/disprove the existance of that which does not exist on our plane of reality, or place in time and space, they cited a mathematical theorum that stated the numbers required to complete the equasion simply didn't exist, but we know that numbers exist because we can quantify them, here, look, 4, there is a quantified number, gods however, that is a different story.

So, why did I say hells fire too, well, anything that exists outside our physical realm is non-physical, which means that a god is non-physical, and so is his punishment, hence the fire in hell cannot be proven, as well as being non-physical. So in the afterlife, if there is one, in the eternal anguish for us Atheists, won't actually be anguish at all, your carporeal form will be wreathed in flame, but you will feel nothing, one cannot feel that which is not physical, the same can be said of a god.

Constantly i'm reminded by people that they 'felt' god, this left me with another question, how do you know you've felt god if you've never felt that before, you may have been feeling true love, or simple lust, who can say, but this begs the question, how do we know we're not feeling god, how do we know we're not, it may not be physical but some higher being could surely do something to alter the mind processes, which somewhat renders their argument invalid.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

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