Tuesday 5 January 2010

Racism, is it ever fine?


I could just leave it like that really, but I shall elaborate. The muse for this outburst is a recent event in the news here in the UK, where a Muslim group called muslim4uk or something wants to stage a march through a town called Wooton Bassett, this has angered many, as it's where British soldiers are given a precession on the way to R.A.F. Lyneham (I think, i'm not clear on the details and my passion for research wanes at this hour) before they go off to their respective barracks.

Now a million and one groups have been set up on Facebook, in order for uninformed racists to spout their hate and spell incorrectly, pretty much constantly (I saw a woman who had written... It's gone from my mind, but trust me, it was bad, a ck instead of a tt, just no).

The usual fayre was all there "They come 'ere, take our jobs and benefits", which is a contradiction in itself, they either have a job or are on benefits, make your minds up, but then you get the serious idiots, who use the serious racist terms, which I shant recant here because I like to think that you, the reader are a better class of human being, and i'm not going to furnish and sully your mind with such words and phrases, you probably know them anyway.

The next, and perhaps most ridiculous part, is that they say "We should plant IED's (Improvised Explosive Devices) along the route, like they do to our troops and blow them up, see how they like it", now, the extremists you claim to be trying to stop use such tactics to kill British troops, and these british people, for some reason seem to think they're 'better', but correct me if i'm wrong, but does performing the actions they are so fervant to decry, merely lower them to the standards of the people they think they are better than?

Hipocrytes, all of them, there are many things I will abide, racism is not one of them, but many people seem to want to find any excuse to use it, and it truly saddens me, they profess to live in a 'great' country, but from the actions and words of what appears to be a large number of the populace, makes it look anything but.

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