Saturday 3 April 2010

Apple = Microsoft

It seems recently that Apple are becoming more and more like Microsoft.

Apple recently announced they are suing HTC for the use of multi-touch on their Android devices. Which resulted in Apple getting sued by the company that actually invented the technology.

This brings me onto this point, Apple, for years, has been the underdog to Microsoft, while they made some pretty good products, their prices were (and still are) completely ridiculous. But they were still doing there thing, and good on them for it. But now, Apple have gone very much mainstream, and for some reason, decided they wanted to play the same games as the big bully that came before.

Microsoft is famous for patent trolling, heck, they even patented the scrollbar (I'm not joking, look but it seems Apple have though "That looks like fun, lets do it too!". Here is a tip Apple, don't patent something you didn't invent, and then don't troll people because they're trying to implement technology that has been around since the late 80's.

The patent system is meant to help innovation and protect Intellectual Property, but Apple seems to have forgotten this, their IP's aren't theirs, it really annoys me that because Apple put something on their devices, they seem to think they own it.

Apple, you used to be cool, but now you're just like Microsoft.

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