Friday 26 March 2010

IE9 Gonna suck? Not so much actually.

So it was the news most web web developers have been waiting for, and it's not as bad as most of us were expecting.

When IE9 was announced in mid-2009 everyone got somewhat worried, all the tests showed it was still slower than all competing browsers, and HTML5 support was still non-existent.

But recently MS released the IE9 developer preview, and, I'm actually quite happy to report that all our fears have not been realized. For once MS has listened to the people who have to work with their browsers on a daily basis.

HTML5 support is pretty much complete, as well as CSS3, allowing all you designery folk to really let your hair down, and not have to worry about compatibility.

The speed tests even put it in front of Mozilla 3.6, and even the Acid3 score is 55/100, and before you say anything, IE8 crashes on the Acid3 test, so it's a gargantuan improvement.

The amount of effort that has gone in is incredible, for example, all rendering is now offloaded onto the GPU, meaning the processor can chill out, even when you're running some dapper flash animations.

Now all they need to do is incorporate webkit and it will be unstoppable.

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