Tuesday 5 January 2010

Bono, shut up.

Censoring the internet is a good way to stop filesharing you say?

We live in an age where getting music is easier than any other time before, with music distribution services like spotify and iTunes, access to music has never been broader, and so with this comes the much maligned file sharing.

How does Bono come into this? Well, the other day he was quoted as saying "We should look to China and their censorship system, it works" apart from the fact it doesn't, and that they're 'losing' the war on internet censorship (Source: http://techdirt.com/articles/20100104/0351017578.shtml) but nevermind that! Artists and Music labels that are monstrously rich need to get paid!

Irregardless that they're making record profits, so is the movie industry, despite all their belly aching too. It's the smaller artists that should be making all this noise, that are losing out, but have we heard from them? Not many, or at least if they are outspoken their voices aren't being heard. The problem for the major record labels, is that file sharing helps the small and independent musicians, who have trouble getting recognised without the money of the label for advertisement.

But that would mean the labels would get less money, and no money at all from these unsigned bands, but hey ho, corporations exist to make money, so screw the small fry...

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